What is a Colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy is an endoscopic examination used to explore and visualize the mucosa of the rectum and colon. It can be performed as a partial examination (such as rectoscopy or rectosigmoidoscopy) or as a total colonoscopy (pancolonoscopy), which allows visualization up to the cecal fundus.

When indicated, the procedure may also include an exploration of the terminal ileum through the ileocecal valve. During the examination, small tissue samples (biopsies) can be collected for histological analysis, and additional diagnostic or therapeutic procedures can be performed as needed.

How is a Colonoscopy Performed?

The examination is conducted using a colonoscope, a flexible instrument equipped with a light source and a miniature camera at its tip. The camera transmits high-resolution images to a processor and then to a monitor, providing a clear, real-time view of the intestinal lining.

Before the procedure, the patient provides informed consent, and a peripheral venous access is typically placed. Vital signs, including heart rate and oxygen saturation, are continuously monitored.

Depending on the physician’s assessment and in agreement with the patient, sedation may be administered intravenously using a sedative or analgesic to ensure maximum comfort. If sedation is used, removable dental prostheses or contact lenses should be taken off before the examination.

The procedure is usually performed with the patient lying on their left side, although positional adjustments or manual abdominal compression may be required to facilitate the progression of the endoscope.

During the Examination:

The procedure typically lasts between 15 and 30 minutes, though this duration may vary depending on factors such as the ease of advancing the endoscope and the cleanliness of the colon.

Continuous monitoring of heart rate, oxygen saturation, and, if necessary, electrocardiographic activity is performed to ensure patient safety throughout the examination.

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